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PICA PICA is a real-time ray tracing experiment featuring self-learning agents in a procedurally-assembled world. Built using SEED’s R&D engine Halcyon, this AI playground showcases real-time ray tracing using Microsoft DXR.
This demo showcases several novel approaches developed specifically for real-time ray tracing, including ray traced reflections, ambient occlusion, soft shadows, transparency, translucency and sub surface scattering, as well as dynamic global illumination.
PICA PICA Presentations:
- GDC and GTC 2018
- DirectX: Evolving Microsoft’s Graphics Platform
- Shiny Pixels and Beyond: Real-Time Raytracing at SEED
- Introduction to DirectX Raytracing
- Creativity of Rules and Patterns: Designing Procedural Systems
- Exploring The Collaboration Between Proceduralism & Deep Learning
- Functional Symbiosis of Art Direction and Proceduralism
- Game Ray Tracing: State-of-the-Art and Open Problems
- Stochastic all the things: Ray tracing in hybrid real-time rendering
- Toward real-time photo realism using real-time ray tracing